Infinity Ultimate



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Teknologji inverter, nivel shumë i ulët i zhurmës dhe cilësi e lartë të ajrit të brendshëm.




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SettingsInfinity Ultimate removeInfinity Supreme removePlatinum Plus removeMidea Xtreme Eco Wall Conditioner 18kBtu / h removeMidea Xtreme Eco Wall Conditioner 09kBtu / h removeMidea Xtreme Eco Wall Conditioner 24kBtu / h remove
NameInfinity Ultimate removeInfinity Supreme removePlatinum Plus removeMidea Xtreme Eco Wall Conditioner 18kBtu / h removeMidea Xtreme Eco Wall Conditioner 09kBtu / h removeMidea Xtreme Eco Wall Conditioner 24kBtu / h remove
Price722 800 1393 1370 1070 685 1430 
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DescriptionPerformancë e shkëlqyeshme dhe teknologji e lartë. Agjentët e performancës: ftohja (SEER) deri në 9.3 dhe ngrohja (SCOP) deri në 6.2 për kursimin maksimal të energjisë. Etiketa energjetike A +++ në ftohje dhe ngrohje.UVC sterilization technology mainly uses UVC deep ultraviolet light to irradiate single-celled microorganisms, which directly destroy the structure of DNA and RNA in their living bodies, so that the microorganisms lose their ability to reproduce and we achieve the result of complete sterilization.UVC sterilization technology mainly uses UVC deep ultraviolet light to irradiate single-celled microorganisms, which directly destroy the structure of DNA and RNA in their living bodies, so that the microorganisms lose their ability to reproduce and we achieve the result of complete sterilization.UVC sterilization technology mainly uses UVC deep ultraviolet light to irradiate single-celled microorganisms, which directly destroy the structure of DNA and RNA in their living bodies, so that the microorganisms lose their ability to reproduce and we achieve the result of complete sterilization.
ContentTeknologji inverter, nivel shumë i ulët i zhurmës dhe cilësi e lartë të ajrit të brendshëm.Teknologji inverter, nivel shumë i ulët i zhurmës dhe cilësi e lartë të ajrit të brendshëm.    
Performancë e shkëlqyeshme dhe teknologji e lartë. Agjentët e performancës: ftohja (SEER) deri në 9.3 dhe ngrohja (SCOP) deri në 6.2 për kursimin maksimal të energjisë. Etiketa energjetike A +++ në ftohje dhe ngrohje. Njësia harxhon më pak se 1W në modalitetin Standby. Duke aktivizuar këtë modalitet, njësia mund të konsumojë deri në 60% më pak energji, krahasuar me mënyrën normale. Njësia rregullon automatikisht shpejtësinë e ventilatorit dhe rrotullimin e kompresorit duke ju siguruar të njëjtin nivel komoditeti, por me konsumin minimal të energjisë.UVC technology UVC sterilization technology mainly uses UVC deep ultraviolet light to irradiate single-celled microorganisms, which directly destroy the structure of DNA and RNA in their living bodies, so that the microorganisms lose their ability to reproduce and we achieve the result of complete sterilization. Sterilize 56 ° C Unlike normal self-cleaning mode, in 56 ° C sterilization mode the heat exchanger heats up to 56 ° C for 30 minutes, killing up to 99.9% of bacteria after just two cycles of use.  UVC technology UVC sterilization technology mainly uses UVC deep ultraviolet light to irradiate single-celled microorganisms, which directly destroy the structure of DNA and RNA in their living bodies, so that the microorganisms lose their ability to reproduce and we achieve the result of complete sterilization. Sterilize 56 ° C Unlike normal self-cleaning mode, in 56 ° C sterilization mode the heat exchanger heats up to 56 ° C for 30 minutes, killing up to 99.9% of bacteria after just two cycles of use.  UVC technology UVC sterilization technology mainly uses UVC deep ultraviolet light to irradiate single-celled microorganisms, which directly destroy the structure of DNA and RNA in their living bodies, so that the microorganisms lose their ability to reproduce and we achieve the result of complete sterilization. Sterilize 56 ° C Unlike normal self-cleaning mode, in 56 ° C sterilization mode the heat exchanger heats up to 56 ° C for 30 minutes, killing up to 99.9% of bacteria after just two cycles of use.  
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12000, 18000, 24000


9000, 12000

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